Sunday, August 2, 2009

Last day

live from Brooklyn on a dreary sunday morning, I find myself in a cast, boxers and a tank top, trying to really wrap my head round the concept "I'm going to India." It's like being a small child trying to realize the countdown to christmas or a visit to Grandma's is not only approaching, but only a few hours away. and here i am, reverting to old habits. The past week was a whoorlwind to say the least, comprised of a trip to the E.R. rapid packing, lots of vomiting, surgery, catching up with old friends, Breyer's Mint chocolate chip ice cream (the best ice cream on the planet) and such.

I'm quite apprehensive that i'm not actually mentally equipped for this great "jaunt" to south asia. WHAT IS IT GOING TO BE LIKE? HOLY BATMAN! but no. it's ok. ok ok ok damn it.

anyway. that's what i got for now. gonna go wash hair, pack up carry-on, and charge computer. GO TEAM.

1 comment:

  1. My dad is in India right now. Say hello to him for me, that is if you can pick him out from every other guy that has a giant mustache and looks exactly like him.
    Where exactly are you going? I'll give you a dollar if you manage not to give money to the beggar children.

    Have fun
    -Alex (Sherm)

    p.s. The E.R. is gay, why did you go there?
