Friday, June 26, 2009


Ok, I'm in the U.P. about as far away from India as I could be, and yet... the brain is whirring because I am waiting to hear if my passport and visa application have made it to Chicago YET. SO while I was sitting here in rehearsal, watching the tenor spoon the soprano is a seduction scene, I thought I'd re-visit the ol' Xanga, and set it up for India. Because i have GOOD INTENTIONS of staying in touch, and keeping people updated. damn it. so. here it goes. Yesterday I deliberately disobeyed my doctor's order and left the house WITHOUT my spaceman boot. It was liberating, once i learned not to limp.... turns out the basic act of locomotion is different when you can move your ankle. or, more importantly, when you bend your knee and your foot does not raise automatically. dang it. the fact remains, however, that i am walking OK with only my brace, which means by the time I get to India, (in 35 days) I can abandon that too. I'm a little concerned about money, because i don't know how much I'll actually want to spend, and I don't know... well. there's a lot I don't know. but hell. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!! note to self: GET ANTI-MALARIAL PRESCRIPTION FILLED ASAP when you return "downstate" (that's what they call it, up here.)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to find out what happens NEXT. And, of course this comes right after I'd been thinking about you for 1-2 days, "I must contact Alix, I must contact Alix..." Then, you appear. Viola! Thrilled you "got" India. Maybe you'll come back being able the cello while in the lotus position?XO DW
